Privacy Policy

Bomb Blast!


Last updated on Aug 8, 2023

We, MookGames, release this Privacy Policy to inform you about what personal information is collected and how it is used when you use our mobile applications.

Information Collected

Our applications can collect your device ID and advertisement data.

Advertisement data may include information such as your location and advertisement history.

It may be linked to your device, but It is not linked to your personal information.

We do not access or collect any other information from you.

We do not access or collect personal information from children under 13.

Use Information

The information is used only for advertisements.

We, MookGames, do not collect any of your information.

The information is collected by third-party advertising network companies.

The collected information is used for contextual advertising, which can display advertisements based on your location and interests.

Contextual advertising will be helpful to us in offering our application free of charge.

All the information is not used for other purposes.


To protect children, we impose an age rating limit on advertisements.

Only advertisements with a “Parental Guidance suggested (PG)” and “General Audience (G)” rating will be sent.

Advertising network company : Admob -

Disposal of information

Your information is collected only by third-party advertising network companies when you use our applications.

We, MookGames, do not collect any of your information.

If the information is unintentionally collected, it is discarded immediately.


If you have any questions about our privacy policies, please contact us:


E-mail :

Tel : +82-10-7735-2605